Tuesday, March 16, 2021


 1.The railway track runs --- the river?

A. over

B. across 

C. by

D. on

2. Which one of the following is antonym of ” Perpetrator ” while others are synonyms?

A. Culprit

B. felon

C. Police 

D. miscreant

3. Antonym of GREGARIOUS is ------?

A. Talkative

B. Lonesome 

C. Cheerful

D. Boring

4. Antonym of ONEROUS is ------?

A. Light 

B. Difficult

C. Burfensome

D. Fluent

5. Antonym of HYPOCRISY------?

A. Doubt

B. Uprightness

C. Budensome

D. Fluent

6. Antonym of “Paucity” is------?

A. Scarcity

B. Surplus 

C. Presence

D. Shallow

7. “De novo” means------?

A. Calm in arm

B. New 

C. Prominent

D. To any extent

8. “Inter alia” means------?

A. In between 

B. By the fact

C. Under concentration

D. At the end

9. The market is nearer to them than ----?

A. we

B. us 

C. ours

D. ourselves

10. “En-route” means-----?

A. oneway direction

B. On the way 

C. Long distance

D. None of these

11. Idiom ” To make amend for” means------?

A. Make possible effort

B. To compensate for damage 

C. To bring chance in something

D. None of these

12. The practice of taking someone else’s work or ideas and passing them off as one’s own is

known as ------?

A. Cuckold

B. Despotism

C. Plagiarism 

D. Epicure

13. A person who talks in his/her sleep is known as ------?

A. Bourgeois

B. Insomnist

C. ventriloquist

D. Somniloquist 

14. secretly listening to a conversation is called ----?

A. Eavesdrop 

B. Overhearing

C. Pigeonholing

D. Spying

15. A disease that is liable to be transmitted to people through the environment is known as ------?

A. Contagious

B. Infectious 

C. Fatal

D. Incurable

16. A disease spreading from one person or organism to another by contact is known as ----?

A. Contagious 

B. Infectious

C. Unanimous

D. Fatal

17. Something that is hard but liable to break easily is known as ----?

A. Brittle 

B. Flexible

C. Resilient

D. Supple

18. A person fluent in two languages is known as -----?

A. Bilingual 

B. Bigot

C. Bigamy

D. Brittle

19. The action or practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats is

known as -----?

A. Coercion 

B. Conviction

C. Confession

D. Cajolement

20. A narrow piece of land connecting two large masses of land is known as -----?

A. Gulf

B. Isthmus 

C. Peninsula

D. Continent

21. Government by a small group of all powerful persons is known as -----?

A. Dictatorship

B. Monarchy

C. Oligarchy 

D. Anarchy

22. “Brain Drain” means-----?

A. Mad Person

B. Migration Of Skilled Person To Other Country

C. Emigration Of Intellectuals

D. None

23. A person who helps another commit a crime is known as -----?

A. Accomplice 

B. Amateur

C. Cuckold

D. Changeling

24. A sad poem usually written to praise and express sorrow for someone who is dead is known as


A. Elegy

B. Oad

C. Sestina

D. Epic

25. A long poem narrating achievements of a hero or legendary figures is known as ------?

A. Epic

B. Elegy

C. Ode

D. Sestina

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