Tuesday, March 16, 2021


 1. One who looks on the bright side of things is known as ----?

A. Pessimist

B. Novice

C. Optimist (Answer)

D. Credulous

2. Something that is liable to be easily broken is known as ----?

A. Brittle (Answer)

B. Resilient

C. Flexible

D. None of the above

3. A letter which is not claimed by anybody is known as ----?

A. Dead Letter (Answer)

B. Adjustment Letter

C. Complaint Letter

D. Acknowledgment Letter

4. A composition which bears no name of the writer is known as -----?

A. Anonymous (Answer)

B. Identified

C. Signed

D. Apostate

5. Is this is the bus, --- goes to the Sadar Bazar?

A. that

B. who

C. which (Answer)

D. To arrive

6. He bought a three ------ suit?

A. Hundred-Dollars

B. Hundreds-Dollar

C. Hundred-Dollar (Answer)

D. Hundreds-Dollars

7. The idiom “To burry the hatchet” mean?

A. To make peace (Answer)

B. To make a foolish choice

C. To make a wrong decision

D. To lose something

8. Antonym of ATTRACT is -------?

A. Repel (Answer)

B. Demote

C. Expel

D. None of these

9. Antonym of ADAPT is -------?

A. Applaud

B. Unfit (Answer)

C. Approve

D. None of these

10. Antonym of APATHY is -------?

A. Sleep

B. Conclude

C. Zeal (Answer)

D. None of these

11. Complete the idiom “Hell hath no fury like a------?

A. A women scorned (Answer)

B. A burnned women

C. A women forgotten

D. A devil’s advocate

12. Foreign phrase ” De Jure” means?

A. By law (Answer)

B. Successful

C. Illegal

D. Compromising

13. Synonym of Abject is -------?

A. Disgusting

B. Squalid

C. Contemptible

D. All of these (Answer)

14. Idiom “Tie the knot” means?

A. Friendship

B. Getting married (Answer)

C. Enmity

D. Criticism

15. Antonym of ARCHETYPE is -------?

A. Origin

B. Copy (Answer)

C. Generous

D. Factory

16. Antonym of Abridge is -------?

A. Subdue

B. Augment (Answer)

C. Encourage

D. Elaborate

17. Antonym of PATHOLOGICAL is -------?

A. Sick

B. Healthy (Answer)

C. Chemicals

D. Selective

18. The book is---the mug and pen?

A. In

B. Among

C. Between (Answer)

D. Of

19. A good judge never jumps -----the conclusion?

A. In

B. To (Answer)

C. on

D. At

20. The Students protested --- the ill-treatment of their leader?

A. over

B. to

C. against

D. for (Answer)

21. A Game which no one wins called-----?

A. Tie

B. Draw (Answer)

C. loss

D. toss

22. If----the match,I will go to “KPK (Peshawar) to meet the sports board chairperson?

A. I will win

B. I win (Answer)

C. I wins

D. I shall win

23. The Government ruled by Women is called?

A. Petticoat government (Answer)

B. Corporatocracy

C. Patriarchy

D. None of these

24. The killing of one’s mother called----?

A. matricide (Answer)

B. parricide

C. regicide

D. patricide

25.Killing of a large group of people called-----?

A. filicide

B. fratricide

C. genocide (Answer)

D. homicide

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