Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Indian History MCQ Quiz -4

1. After the Mauryas the most important kingdom in the Deccan and Central India was that of the:

(a) Vakatakas

(b) Cholas

(c) Satavahanas

(d) Pallavas


Correct Answer: (c) Satavahanas

2. Pushyamitra Shunga:

(a) Defended the Magadhan empire against the Bactrian Greeks

(b) Is said to have performed Asvamedha sacrifice

(c) Was persecutor of Buddhism according to the Divyavadana

(d) Did all the above


Correct Answer: (c) Was persecutor of Buddhism according to the Divyavadana

3. The first to establish trade contacts with the Roman empire were:

(a) Indo Greeks

(b) Kushanas

(c) Tamils

(d) Sakas


Correct Answer: (c) Tamils

4. Sakas were finally overthrown by:

(a) Kanishka

(b) Chandragupta Vikramaditya

(c) Devapala

(d) Gautamiputra Satakarni


Correct Answer: (d) Gautamiputra Satakarni

5. With which of the following periods do we associate the ‘microlith’ implements?

(a) Paleolithic

(b) Mesolithic

(c) Neolithic

(d) Chalcolithic


Correct Answer: (b) Mesolithic

6. Which one of the following kings controlled the famous silk-route of Central Asia?

(a) Harsha

(b) Chandragupta-II

(c) Ashoka

(d) Kanishka


Correct Answer: (d) Kanishka

7. Which of the following statements regarding the Indus Valley Civilization is not true ?

(a) The excavations at Harappa are attributed to R.B. Daya Ram Sahni

(b) The Assembly Hall was discovered at Mohenjo-daro

(c) The open courtyard was the basic feature of house planning

(d) The Indus Valley people were not acquainted with the art of spinning and weaving


Correct Answer: (d) The Indus Valley people were not acquainted with the art of spinning and weaving

8. Saka era was founded by:

(a) Ashoka

(b) Harsha

(c) Kanishka

(d) Vikramaditya


Correct Answer: (c) Kanishka

9. The main cause of the tribal wars among the early Aryan settlers, the most famous of Which is mentioned in Rigveda as “Battle of Ten Kings”, was:

(a) Cattle and land disputes

(b) Foreign invasions

(c) Showing supremacy

(d) Intrigues of the leaders


Correct Answer: (a) Cattle and land disputes

10. Jainism was divided into two sects known as:

(a) Kapalika and Kalamukha

(b) Mahayana and Hinayana

(c) Ajivika and Nyaya Vaisesika

(d) Svetambara and Digambara


Correct Answer: (d) Svetambara and Digambara

11. The first major inscription in classical Sanskrit is that of:

(a) Chandragupta Vikramaditya

(b) Kanishka I

(c) Rudradaman

(d) Samudragupta


Correct Answer: (c) Rudradaman

12. The Fourth Buddhist Council was held by:

(a) Ashoka

(b) Kanishka

(c) Chandragupta

(d) Harashavardhana


Correct Answer: (b) Kanishka

13. With reference to Delhi Sultanate who of the following created the ‘Diwan i-Amir’ Koh (Department of agriculture)?

(a) Alauddin Khalji

(b) Firu Shah Tughluq

(c) Muhammad bin Tugluq

(d) Shamsu d-din lltutmish


Correct Answer: (c) Muhammad bin Tugluq

14. Which one of the following places was famous as a seat of Mahayana learning?

(a) Nalanda

(b) Taxila

(c) Varanasi

(d) Sarnath


Correct Answer: (a) Nalanda

15. India’s earliest contact with Islam came through:

(a) Arab invasion of Sind in 7th century

(b) Turkish invasions in 11th century

(c) Sufi saints

(d) Arab merchants on Malabar coast


Correct Answer: (d) Arab merchants on Malabar coast

16. Which of the following religions got spread in different parts of Asia?

(a) Buddhism

(b) Jainism

(c) Hinduism

(d) None of these


Correct Answer: (a) Buddhism

17. Porus was defeated by Alexander at the Battle of …….

(a) Buxar

(b) Heart

(c) Kabul

(d) Hydaspes


Correct Answer: (d) Hydaspes

18. Between which of the following was the ancient town of Takshasila located?

(a) Indus and Jehelum

(b) Jhelum and Chenab

(c) Chenab and Ravi

(d) Ravi and Beas


Correct Answer: (a) Indus and Jehelum

19. Chronologically arrange the accomplishments of Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq

1. Quarachil Expedition

2. Token currency

3. Transfer of capital

4. Revenue reforms

(a) 3, 2, 1, 4

(b) 1, 4, 3, 2

(c) 4, 2, 3, 1

(d) 3, 1, 4, 2


Correct Answer: (a) 3, 2, 1, 4

20. The name by which Ashoka is generally referred to in his inscriptions is:

(a) Priyadarsi

(b) Dharmadeva

(c) Chakravarti

(d) Dhamiakirti


Correct Answer: (a) Priyadarsi

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