Showing posts with label #Indian History Quiz Multiple choice questions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Indian History Quiz Multiple choice questions. Show all posts

Friday, April 5, 2024

Indian History MCQ Quiz -9

1. Which of the following is incorrect?

(A) Widow marriage was allowed among the Rigvedic Aryans

(B) The Parda system did not exist among the Rigvedic Aryans

(C) Sati custom was common among the Rigvedic Aryans

(D) Rigvedic women had a right to participate in religious ceremonies


Correct Answer: (C) Sati custom was common among the Rigvedic Aryans

2. Garments of Indus valley people were of—

(A) Cotton only

(B) Cotton & silk

(C) Cotton & wool

(D) Cotton, wool & silk


Correct Answer: (C) Cotton & wool

3. Which one of the following is a commentary on the Digha Nikaya?

(A) Dipavamsa

(B) Lalitvistara

(C) Nitiprakaranam

(D) Sumangala vilisini


Correct Answer: (A) Dipavamsa

4. An anthropomorphic figure of copper has been reported from the Harrappan levels at—

(A) Lothal

(B) Kalibanga

(C) Harrappa

(D) Rojadi


Correct Answer: (C) Harappa

5. Which of the following Harappan crops are believed to have diffused from West Asia?

1. Wheat

2. Rice

3. Cotton

4. Barley

Choose the correct answer form the & codes given below—

(A) 1 &4

(B) 2 &3

(C) 1, 3&4

(D) 1, 2&4


Correct Answer: (A) 1 &4

6. The Jaina system of thought closely resembles —

(A) Vedanta

(B) Sankhya

(C) Vaisheshik

(D) Yogachar


Correct Answer: (B) Sankhya

7. The Predominant funerary practice at Harappa was —

(A) Cremation

(B) Burying ash kept in an urn

(C) Extended burial of the body along with pottery

(D) Making a memorial to mark the site


Correct Answer: (C) Extended burial of the body along with pottery

8. Which one of the following place has yielded archaeological evidence regarding pit dwellings?

(A) Rakhigarhi

(B) Gufkral

(C) Mehargarh

(D) Balakot


Correct Answer: (B) Gufkral

9. The crops cultivated by the harrapans included—

(A) Wheat, Barley, Mustard

(B) Barley, Groundnut, Rice

(C) Wheat, Rice, Sugarcane

(D) Wheat, Cotton, Sugarcane


Correct Answer: (A) Wheat, Barley, Mustard

10. Which of the following were among the objects of terracotta fashioned by the Harrapans?

1. Bullal

2. Toys

3. Votive animals

4. Axe heads

5. Human forms

6. Pipal leaves

(A) 1, 2&4

(B) 2, 3&5

(C) 3, 4&6

(D) 4, 5&6


Correct Answer: (B) 2, 3&5

11. Which of the, following Harrapan sites are located in the Kutch region?

(A) Desalpur & Surkotda

(B) Rangpur & Rojadi

(C) Allabadino & Balakot

(D) Lothal & Surkotda


Correct Answer: (A) Desalpur & Surkotda

12. Match List I with List II

List I

(a) Double burial

(b) Fire altars

(c) Workmen’s Quarters

(d) Bead Making

List II

1. Chanhudaro

2. Kalibanga

3. Lothal

4. Banwali

5. Harrappa


    a     b     c     d

A 3    2    5    1

B 3    4    1    2

C 5    2    3    5

D 2    3    5    1


Correct Answer: Ans. (A)

13. Which one of the following is a site of the Harappan civilization wherein a Persian Gulf seal has been unearthed?

(A) Mohenjodaro

(B) Dholavira

(C) Lothal

(D) Kalibanga


Correct Answer: (B) Dholavira

14. The largest number of discourses delivered by Buddha were at—

(A) Sravasti

(B) Kausambi

(C) Rajgriha

(D) Somnath


Correct Answer: (A) Sravasti

15. The crop which does not seem to have been known to the people of the Harrappan culture is —

(A) Rice

(B) Cotton

(C) Ragi

(D) Barley


Correct Answer: (C) Ragi

16. Which of the following were exported from meluhha sometimes identified as an Harrappa area?

1. Black wood

2. Ivory

3. Gold

4. Lead

(A) 1, 2&3

(B) 1, 2&4

(C) 1, 3&4

(D) 2, 3&4


Correct Answer: (A) 1, 2&3

17. The most common type of Harrappan seals are —

(A) Square

(B) Round

(C) Cylindrical

(D) Oval


Correct Answer: (A) Square

18. Which one of the following cities was most extensive in area?

(A) Mohenjodaro

(B) Harrappa

(C) Dholavira

(D) Kalibanga


Correct Answer: (A) Mohenjodaro

19. According to a late tradition, the spread of Jainism in Karnataka is attributed to—

(A) Chandragupta maurya

(B) Mahavira

(C) Ashoka

(D) Parashavanath


Correct Answer: (A) Chandragupta maurya

20. Which of the following metal (S) was/were not used by the Harrappans?

(A) Copper

(B) Gold & Copper

(C) Iron & Tin

(D) Silver & Bronze


Correct Answer: (C) Iron & Tin

21. Match List I with List II & select the correct answer—

List I

(a) Harrappa

(b) Lothal

(c) Kalibanga

(d) Mohenjodaro List II

1. Cemetery R37

2. Dockyard

3. Figure of dancing girl

4. Ploughed field


          a     b     c     d

(A)    1    2    3    4

(B)    2    1    4    3

(C)    3    4    1    2

(D)    1    2    4    3


Correct Answer: Ans. (D)

22. Kaivalya means—

(A) Omniscience

(B) Followers of Buddhism

(C) Omnipresent

(D) Followers of Jainism


Correct Answer: (A) Omniscience

23. Which one of the following statements about the Indus culture is the least possible?

(A) The Indus culture originated from the Kalibanga culture

(B) The Indus culture originated from the peasant cultures of sind & Baluchistan

(C) The Indus culture is an expression of Sothi culture

(D) The Indus culture sprang directly as an urban culture


Correct Answer: (B) The Indus culture originated from the peasant cultures of sind & Baluchistan

24. A bronze chariot of Harappan times yoked to a pair of bullocks & driven by a nude human figure has been discovered at—

(A) Sanghol

(B) Rojadi’

(C) Kunal

(D) Daimabad


Correct Answer: v

25. A highly advanced water management system of Harrapan times has been unearthed at—

(A) Dholavira

(B) Lothal

(C) Kalibanga

(D) Alamgirpur


Correct Answer: (B) Lothal

Indian History MCQ Quiz -8

1. ‘Brihadaranyaka’ is—

(A) A Sanskriti

(B) An Upnishada

(C) A treatise on Political Science

(D) A Mahakavya


Correct Answer: (B) An Upnishada

2. The Philosophy of the Gita is—

(A) Primarily that Bhakti God

(B) That of combining Bhakti with Jnan (Gyan)

(C) That of Bhakti with Karma

(D) That of combining of Bhakti, man (Gyan) and Karma


Correct Answer: (D) That of combining of Bhakti, man (Gyan) and Karma

3. Who wrote ‘Vasavadatta’?

(A) Bhas

(B) Dandin

(C) Subandhu

(D) Kalidas


Correct Answer: (A) Bhas

4. The author of Natyashastra was—

(A) Vasumitra

(B) Nagarjuna

(C) Bhasa

(D) Asvaghosa


Correct Answer: (D) Asvagbosa

5. Archaeological evidence from Nagal, Katpalon, Dhradheri & Bhagwanpura indicate that the late Harrappans & the Painted Grey- ware using people—

(A) Never lived together

(B) Came into contact, but never lived together

(C) Came into contact, but lived in different settlements in the same area

(D) Came into contact & lived in the same settlements


Correct Answer: (C) Came into contact, but lived in different settlements in the same area

6. Which one of the following is the largest burnt-brick structure built in the entire range of the Harrappa culture?

(A) The Greatest Bath

(B) Granary

(C) Assembly Hall

(D) Lothal Dockyard


Correct Answer: (B) Granary

7. The account of the local Administration was written in—

(A) Arthashastra

(B) Vishnu Purana

(C) Mudrarakshasa

(D) Account of Magasthanese


Correct Answer: (D) Account of Magasthanese

8. Among the four sites mentioned below, the earliest cultural phase comes from—

(A) Banwali

(B) Kotdiji

(C) Surkotda

(D) Mehargarh


Correct Answer: (D) Mehargarh

9. The Kamasutra was written by—

(A) Katyayani

(B) Vatsayayan

(C) Bhadrabahu

(D) Patanjali


Correct Answer: (B) Vatsayayan

10. The author of Kalpasutra was—

(A) Bhadrabahu

(B) Panini

(C) Subandhu

(D) Patanjali


Correct Answer: (A) Bhadrabahu

11. ‘Dipavamsa’ was written in—•

(A) Sanskrit

(B) Prakrit

(C) Pali

(D) Arabic


Correct Answer: (C) Pali

12. Mathematics was treated as a distinct subject by—

(A) Braham Gupta

(B) Varahmihira

(C) Vijayanandin

(D) Aryabhatta


Correct Answer: (D) Aryabhatta

13. ‘Navniketanam’ is a treatise on—

(A) Polity

(B) Economics

(C) Medicine

(D) Philosophy


Correct Answer: (C) Medicine

14. The author of Kadambari who was also contemporary of Harsha was—

(A) Banabhatta

(B) Mayur

(C) Divakar

(D) Jayasena


Correct Answer: (A) Banabhatta

15. Rajtarangini was written by—

(A) Kalhana

(B) Jona-raja

(C) Halayudha

(D) Jayadeva


Correct Answer: (A) Kalhana

16. Ramayan in Tamil was written by—

(A) Kamban

(B) Kulhan

(C) Jayangondur

(D) Kalladanor


Correct Answer: (A) Kamban

17. Consider the following statements regarding the identification with Siva, of a figure represented on Harrappan seals

1. It is shown in the form of a linga

2. It is shown seated in yogic posture

3. It is surrounded by animals

4. It is shown with a female figure identifiable with Parvati

Which of the above are correct reasons for identifying the figure with Siva?

(A) 1&4

(B) 2&3

(C) 2&4

(D) 3&4


Correct Answer: (B) 2&3

18. Indus valley did not maintain trade relation with—

(A) Rajasthan

(B) Afghanistan

(C) Iran

(D) Romans


Correct Answer: (C) Iran

19. The Author of Hamir Mahakavya was—

(A) Chandvardai

(B) Jaisiugh Suri

(C) Nayachandra Suri

(D) Hemachandra


Correct Answer: (C) Nayachandra Suri

20. Rajatarangini describes the history of—

(A) Bengal

(B) Gujarat

(C) Kashmir

(D) Maiwa


Correct Answer: (C) Kashmir

21. Who wrote Vasavdatta-Nalyadhara?

(A) Bhasa

(B) Vakpati

(C) Subaudhu

(D) Vatsyayan


Correct Answer: (C) Subaudhu

22. Give the chronological order—

I Kautilya

II Jayadeva

III Banabhatta

IV Harisena


(A) II, I, III, IV

(B) I, II, III, IV

(C) IV, II, I, III

(D) III, II, I, IV


Correct Answer: (B) I, II, III, IV

23. The subject matter of “Tolkappiam” is—

(A) Epic story

(B) Drama

(C) Grammar

(D) Battle


Correct Answer: (D) Battle

24. Which one of the following statements about untouchability is not correct?

(A) It was widely practiced in the Indus valley civilization

(B) The Rigveda does not show any ac quaintance with it

(C) It is cleared referred to in the Buddhist Jatakas

(D) It come to be applied to several castes only in the post Gupta period


Correct Answer: (A) It was widely practiced in the Indus valley civilization

25. Which is the only Indus site with a dockyard?

(A) Amri

(B) Surkotda

(C) Lothal

(D) Kalibanga


Correct Answer: (C) Lothal

Indian History MCQ Quiz -7

1. The Rajarajeshvar temple was constructed by —

(A) Parantaka Chola

(B) Mahendra Vermana Pahallava

(C) Rajaraja Chola

(D) Aditya Cholas


Correct Answer: (C) Rajaraja Chola

2. There was an administrative unit under the Cholas named Kurram. What did it signify?

(A) A village

(B A province

(C) A district

(D) A group of villages


Correct Answer: (D) A group of villages

3. University of Vikramsila enjoyed the petronage of —

(A) Palas

(B) Senas

(C) Pratiharas

(D) King Yasovarman of Kannauj


Correct Answer: (A) Palas

4. The finest specimen of Pahallavas architecture are —

(A). Temples at Madura

(B) Temples of Tanjore

(C) Kailashnath temple of Ellora

(D) Rock-cut Nath temples at Mahabalipuram


Correct Answer: (D) Rock-cut Nath temples at Mahabalipuram

5. A new addition to social customs during Rajput age was —

(A) Sati system

(B) Prostitution

(C) Child marriage

(D) Jauhar


Correct Answer: (D) Jauhar

6. Asvamedha Yajna from among Chalukya rulers was performed by —

(A) Pulkesin I

(B) Kirtivarman I

(C) Pulkesin II

(D) Vikramaditya I


Correct Answer: (A) Pulkesin I

7. The Palas of Bengal patronised —

(A) Hinduism

(B) Jainism

(C) Hinyana Buddhism

(D) Tantrika Buddhism


Correct Answer: (D) Tantrika Buddhism

8. Under whose patronage was the Kailash temple of Ellora constructed?

(A) The Chalukayas

(B) The Rashtrakutas

(C) The Pahallavas

(D) The Cholas


Correct Answer: (B) The Rashtrakutas

9. Intercaste marriages, during the Rajput age was possible among —

(A) Brahmanas and Kshatriyas

(B) Kshatriyas and Vaisyas

(C) Vaisyas and Sudras

(D) None of these


Correct Answer: (C) Vaisyas and Sudras

10. Who among the Pala rulers established the University of Vikramsila?

(A) Dharampala

(B) Devapala

(C) Narayan Pala

(D) Mahipala I


Correct Answer: (D) Mahipala I

11. Hazrat Mohammad was born at Mecca in Arabia in —

(A) 590 A.D.

(B) 570 A.D.

(C) 520 AD

(D) 500 A.D.


Correct Answer: (B) 570 A.D.

12. ‘Hijrat’ the Muslim era began in —

(A) 622 A.D.

(B) 612 A.D.

(C) 630 A.D.

(D) 600 A.D.


Correct Answer: (A) 622 A.D.

13. Which one was the Port of Cheras?

(A) Kaveripattanam

(B) Muzisir

(C) Korkai

(D) Tandai


Correct Answer: (B) Muzisir

14. In the age of Cholas Uraiyur was famous for —

(A) Cotton

(B) Ship building

(C) Pearls

(D) Spices


Correct Answer: (D) Spices

15. Match the following —

(a) Karle cave 1. Satavahanas

(b) Kailashnath temple at Ellora 2. Rashtrakutas

(c) Raja Raieshwar Temple 3. Raja Raja I

(d) Pillar Edicts 4. Mauryas


    (a)     (b)     (c)     (d)

(A) 1     4         3     2

(B) 1     2         3     4

(C) 4     3         1     2

(D) 3     1         4     2


Correct Answer: (B) 1 2 3 4

16. Match the following:

(a) Kumaramatayas        1. Guptas

(b) Mahamatayas           2. Mauryas

(c) Nimataras                 3. Cholas

(d) Sumant                     4. Marathas


        (a)     (b)     (c)     (d)

(A) 1         2        3      4

(B) 2         1         4     3

(C) 1         2        4     3

(D) 2        1        3     4


Correct Answer: (B) 2 1 4 3

17. The East India Company began to use the term ‘Investments in India’ for—

(A) Their bullion imports to purchase Indian goods

(B) The loot from Buxar for purchasing Indian goods

(C) The profits made from duty free inland trade and the surplus from Diwani revenue

(D) The borrowed money from Indian money lenders for purchases in India money


Correct Answer: (C) The profits made from duty free inland trade and the surplus from Diwani revenue

18. An Important character of the Chola empire was —

(A) Trade with S. E. Asia

(B) Local self-govemment

(C) Elected monarchs

(D) Conquerred the whole of cyclon


Correct Answer: (B) Local self-govemment

19. The Ellora caves were built by—

(A) Chalukyas

(B) Pratiharas

(C) Rashtrakutas

(D) Palas


Correct Answer: (C) Rashtrakutas

20. The First English Captain to disembark at Surat and who also visited the court of Emperor Jahangir at Agra was—

(A) Thomas Stephens

(B) Hawkins

(C) Ralph Fitch

(D) Jon Mildenhall


Correct Answer: (A) Thomas Stephens

21. The remittance problems from India was initially tackled by the East India Company government through the—

(A) Development of more exports of grains from India

(B) Exports of more cotton and silk goods to Europe

(C) Development of indigo and export of opium to China

(D) Development of jute and promotion of its export to Europe


Correct Answer: (A) Development of more exports of grains from India

22. Under Cholas village administration the land revenue was collected by —

(A) Ur

(B) Mahasabha

(C) Uparika

(D) A Special Dal


Correct Answer: (D) A Special Dal

23. The chief ideas of worship during the Rajput age were —

(A) Ram and Krishna

(B) Vishnu and Shiva

(C) Brahma and Sun

(D) Brahma and Ganesha


Correct Answer: (C) Brahma and Sun

24. The chief feature of the temples constructed by the Cholas was their—

(A) Gopurams or gateways

(B) Vimanas or Towers

(C) Assembly-halls for the devotees

(D) Massive pillars


Correct Answer: (B) Vimanas or Towers

25. What is the correct chronological order of the following British Officials in India?

1. Sir John Shore

2. Marquis Cornwallis

3 Earl of Minto

4. Marquess of Wellesley

Select the correct answer using the codes given below—


(A) 2,1,4,3

(B) 1,2,3,4

(C) 1,2,4,3

(D) 2,1,3,4


Correct Answer: (A) 2,1,4,3

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Indian History MCQ Quiz -6

1. Consider the following statement about Tipu Sultan—

1. He made no treaty with the British

2. He had no quarrel with the Marathas

3. He sought French alliance

4. He fell fighting against the British

of these statements—

(A) 1, 2 and 3 are correct

(B) 2, 3 and 4 are correct

(C) 3 and 4 are correct

(D) 1 and 4 are correct


Correct Answer: (C) 3 and 4 are correct

2. The Sabha during the Chola period comprised of—

(A) Brahmana

(B) Village Elders

(C) Sudras

(D) All of these


Correct Answer: (B) Village Elders

3. Raushan Akhtar ascended the throne with the title—

(A) Jahandar Shah

(B) Shah Jahan II

(C) Mohammad Shah

(D) Alamgir II


Correct Answer: (C) Mohammad Shah

4. Among the officers of Muhhammad of Ghor, Bihar and part of Bengal were conquered by—

(A) Qutubuddin Aibak

(B) Tajuddin Yajdij

(C) Muhammad Bakhtiyar Khilji

(D) Tughrill Khan


Correct Answer: (C) Muhammad Bakhtiyar Khilji

5. What was the main cause of conflict between Mir Quasim and the East India Company?

(A) Mir Qasim’s alliance with the Mughal Emperor and the Nawab of Oudh

(B) Abuse of Dastaks by the English

(C) Mir Quasim’s conspiracy with the French

(D) Mir Jafar’s conspiracy with the East India Company


Correct Answer: (B) Abuse of Dastaks by the English

6. Kalidas in his works shows a leaning towards worship of—

(A) Shiva

(B) Vishnu

(C) Durga

(D) Brahma


Correct Answer: (C) Durga

7. The Founding Charter of the English East India Company was granted by—

(A) Henry VIII

(B) Elizabeth I

(C) James I

(D) Charles I


Correct Answer: (B) Elizabeth I

8. Marathi Chronicles were known as—

(A) Khyat

(B) Bakhar

(C) Burunji

(D) Babi


Correct Answer: (B) Bakhar

9. Which of the following is correct?

(A) Prayag Assembly — Akbar

(B) Expedition to South East Asia — Rajendra Chola

(C) Southern expedition — Ashoka

(D) Vaikonta Perumal — Nandivarman Temple


Correct Answer: (B) Expedition to South East Asia — Rajendra Chola

10. The founder of the autonomous kingdom of Avadh was—

(A) Ahmed Shah Abdali

(B) Safdarjung

(C) Saadat Khan Burhan-ul-Mulk

(D) Zulfiqar Khan


Correct Answer: (C) Saadat Khan Burhan-ul-Mulk

11. Who among the following rulers of the Travancore kingdom extended his dominion, organised a standing army and a rational administration and encouraged foreign trade in the middle of 18th century?

(A) Rama Varma

(B) Zamorin of Calicut

(C) Martanda Varma

(D) Nanjaraj


Correct Answer: (C) Martanda Varma

12. Ashtaelic Gajangals were present in the courts of —

(A) Devarya II

(B) Sambasivarya

(C) Krishnadevraya

(D) Vaktaka I


Correct Answer: (C) Krishnadevraya

13. The Maratha who helped the Sayyad brothers in overthrowing Farukh Siyar in 1719 was—

(A) Shivaji

(B) Sahuji

(C) Balaji Vishwanath

(D) Baji Rao I


Correct Answer: (C) Balaji Vishwanath

14. Dewan Velu Thampi of Travancore organised the Revolt in—

(A) 1800

(B) 1805

(C) 1809

(D) 1811


Correct Answer: (C) 1809

15. Which among the following ruling dynasties, successfully obstructed the efforts of the Pratihars in establishing a strong empire in North India?

(A) The Palas

(B) The Chalukyas of Badami

(C) The Rashtrakutas

(D) The Senas


Correct Answer: (C) The Rashtrakutas

16. The cavalry of Shivaji was known as—

(A) Risala

(B) Sir-i-Naubat

(C) Bergir

(D) Paga


Correct Answer: (D) Paga

17. Consider the following events—

1. Girni Kamgar Union

2. Surma valley peasant movement

3. Tuticorin strikes

4. Guruvayur temple entry jatha

5. Jaito Morcha

The correct chronological order of these events is —


(A) 3, 5,4,2,1

(B) 5, 3,1,4,2

(C) 3, 5,1,4,2

(D) 5, 3,2,4,1


Correct Answer: (C) 3, 5,1,4,2

18. The Kalyana-Mandapa was notable feature of temple architecture in the kingdom of—

(A) Pahallavas

(B) Cholas

(C) Kadambas

(D) Vijaynagar


Correct Answer: (B) Cholas

19. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists—

List-I List-II

(a) James Outram

(b) John Nicholson

(c) Cohn Campbell

(d) Hugh Rose

1. Delhi

2. Lucknow

3. Jhansi

4. Kanpur


(a) (b) (c) (d)

(A) 1 2 3 4

(B) 2 1 4 3

(C) 2 1 3 4

(D) 1 2 4 3


Correct Answer: (B) 2 1 4 3

20. Ghasiti Begam, Shaukat Jang, Rajballabh and Yar Latif Khan were sore enemies of—

(A) Nawab Alivardi Khan

(B) Nanda Kumar

(C) Siraj-ud-daulah

(D) Shuja-ud-daulah


Correct Answer: (C) Siraj-ud-daulah

21. The head of a guild in ancient and early medieval India was called—

(A) Adhipati

(B) Gahapati

(C) Jethaka

(D) Adhikari


Correct Answer: (C) Jethaka

22. The British East India Company became Zamindar in Bengal after renting the village of—

(A) Govindpur, Sutanati and Kolkata

(B) Chandranagar, Sutanati and Kolkata

(C) Chandranagar, Sutanati and Govindpur

(D) Kolkata, Govindpur and Plassey


Correct Answer: (A) Govindpur, Sutanati and Kolkata

23. Balwant Singh was the first Raja of—

(A) Kanpur

(B) Mewar

(C) Jaisalmer

(D) Banaras


Correct Answer: (D) Banaras

24. The Chola ruler who wrested tondaimandalam from the Rashtrakutas was—

(A) Parantaka I

(B) Sundrachola

(C) Raja Raja I

(D) Kulottunga I


Correct Answer: (A) Parantaka I

25. Gopis (cowherd girls) became an important part of the Krishna legend in art and literature in—

(A) The Sunga period

(B) The Kushana period

(C) The Gupta period

(D) The early Medieval period


Correct Answer: (D) The early Medieval period

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Indian History MCQ Quiz -5

1. The first ruler of India who defeafed Muhammad of Ghor was —

(A) Mularaja II of Gujarat

(B) Prathviraj Chauhan of Delhi

(C) Jayachandra of Kannauj

(D) Parmaldeva of Bundelkhanda


Correct Answer: (C) Jayachandra of Kannauj

2. Cholas were known from the time of —

(A) Parantaka

(B) Vijayalaya

(C) Raja-Raja

(D) Rajendra


Correct Answer: (B) Vijayalaya

3. The first Danish Settlement of trade at Tranquebar was established in the year—

(A) 1620

(B) 1630

(C) 1660

(D) 1616


Correct Answer: (A) 1620

4. Who built the Brihadeshwara temple at Gangai kondacholapuram—

(A) Raja-Raja Chola

(B) Rajendra Chola

(C) Vijayalaya

(D) Srivijay


Correct Answer: (A) Raja-Raja Chola

5. A modern arsenal was established in 1765 with French assistance at—

(A) Bidnur

(B) Sera

(C) Sunda

(D) Dindigul


Correct Answer: (D) Dindigul

6. During the reign of which ruler was Sri Lanka lost to the Cholas —

(A) Rajendra I

(B) Rajendra II

(C) Kullotunga

(D) Rajendra III


Correct Answer: (A) Rajendra I

7. Who built the Buddha Vihar at Nagapattanam?

(A) Srivijay

(B) Gayabahu of Sri Lanka

(C) Prasenjit

(D) Illango Adigal


Correct Answer: (A) Srivijay

8. What is the correct chronological sequence of the following rulers of Bengal?

1. Suja-ud-din

2. Murshid Quli Khan

3. Sarfaraz Khan

4. Ali Vardi Khan


(A) 2,1,3,4

(B) 1,2,4,3

(C) 2,1,4,3

(D) 1,2,3,4


Correct Answer: (A) 2,1,3,4

9. Which of the following represents the town inhabited by merchants and traders in Chola period?

(A) Ur

(B) Sabha

(C) Nagaram

(D) Nadu


Correct Answer: (C) Nagaram

10. The first Rashtrakuta-ruler who successfully invaded North India was —

(A) Govinda II

(B) Dhruva

(C) Govinda Ill

(D) Krishna II


Correct Answer: (B) Dhruva

11. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists—

List-I List-II

(a) Fazl-I-Husain 1. Bombay

(b) Shahid Suhrawardy 2. U.P.

(c) Thrahim Rahimtullah 3. Punjab

(d) Adbul Ban 4. Bengal


(a) (b) (c) (d)

(A) 4 2 3 1

(B) 3 1 2 4

(C) 3 4 1 2

(D) 4 3 2 1


Correct Answer: (D) 4 3 2 1

12. The gold coins of Muhammad Ghori usually bear—

(A) Goddess Lakshmi on the obverse and his name in Nagari characters on the reverse

(B) Kalima on one side and his name on the other in Arabic characters

(C) His name on the obverse and name of mint and year of minting on the reverse

(D) Zodiac signs on the obverse and his name in persian characters on the reverse


Correct Answer: (A) Goddess Lakshmi on the obverse and his name in Nagari characters on the reverse

13. In ancient and early medieval India the uncultivated and untaxed land was called—

(A) Sita

(B) Kharvataka

(C) Khilakshetra

(D) Sitadhyakshya


Correct Answer: (C) Khilakshetra

14. Which one of the following sets of powers constituted the anti-British front in 1780?

(A) Nizam, Mysore, Berar and Marwar

(B) Nizam, Berar, the Rohilas and the Marathas

(C) The Marathas, Mysore, Berar and Nizam

(D) Mysore, the Marathas, the Rohilas and Berar


Correct Answer: (C) The Marathas, Mysore, Berar and Nizam

15. Consider the following events—

1. Cornwallis Code

2. North’s Regulating Act

3. Pitt’s India Act

The correct chronological sequence of these events is—

(A) 3, 2, 1

(B) 2, 3, 1

(C) 1, 2, 3

(D) 2, 1, 3


Correct Answer: (B) 2, 3, 1

16. Which of the following were terms used in early India for denoting measurement of land?

(1) Pala

(2) Nala

(3) Kulyavapa

(4) Nivartana

(A) l,2 and 3

(B) l,2 and 4

(C) l,3 and 4

(D) 2,3 and 4


Correct Answer: (C) l,3 and 4

17. Which of the following pairs of dynasties and cognomens used by them is/are correctly matched?

1. Cholas : Rajkesari and Parakesari

2. Pandyas : Satyavakya and Nitimarga

3. Western Gangas : Marvarman and Chadaiyavarman

(A) 1 only

(B) 2 only

(C) l and 3

(D) 2 and 3


Correct Answer: (C) l and 3

18. Who among the followg rulers of the 18th century introduced new systems of calendar, coinage and weights and measures, organised disciplined standing army, removed illegal ceases, built up modem arsenal and promoted sericulture and trade?

(A) Ranjit Singh

(B) Mir Quasim

(C) Saadat Khan

(D) Tipu Sultan


Correct Answer: (D) Tipu Sultan

19. Which one of the following were included in the ‘antyaja’ category of people mentioned in the ‘Dharamshastras’?

(A) Yavanas

(B) Shabaras

(C) Sudras

(D) Chandals


Correct Answer: (D) Chandals

20. The Cholas, the Pandyas, the Kealaputras and the Satyaputras are mentioned as his neighbouring powers by Ashoka in—

(A) Rock Edict II

(B) Rock Edict XIII

(C) Pillar Edict VII

(D) Minor Rock Edicts


Correct Answer: (A) Rock Edict II

21. The Chola administrative system the Sabha was —

(A) The village court of justice

(B) An assembly of adult men in agraharas

(C) A Committee of People from all castes

(D) A Committee of nattars


Correct Answer: (B) An assembly of adult men in agraharas

22. The first English factors India was established at—

(A) Bombay

(B) Hooghly

(C) Surat

(D) Calcutta


Correct Answer: (C) Surat

23. William Bentink’s far reaching social reforms were meant to remove evils of society, which of the following was not included in these reforms —

(A) Sati System

(B) Human Sacrifice

(B) Thagi

(D) Widow remarriage


Correct Answer: (D) Widow remarriage

24. Dahala in the early medieval period was the territory of the —

(A) Paramaras

(B) Chandelas

(C) Kalachuris

(D) Bhanjas


Correct Answer: (C) Kalachuris

25. Who among the following were the pioneers in opening oceanic trade with India?

(A) Dutch

(B) English

(C) Portuguese

(D) French


Correct Answer: (C) Portuguese

Indian History MCQ Quiz -4

1. After the Mauryas the most important kingdom in the Deccan and Central India was that of the:

(a) Vakatakas

(b) Cholas

(c) Satavahanas

(d) Pallavas


Correct Answer: (c) Satavahanas

2. Pushyamitra Shunga:

(a) Defended the Magadhan empire against the Bactrian Greeks

(b) Is said to have performed Asvamedha sacrifice

(c) Was persecutor of Buddhism according to the Divyavadana

(d) Did all the above


Correct Answer: (c) Was persecutor of Buddhism according to the Divyavadana

3. The first to establish trade contacts with the Roman empire were:

(a) Indo Greeks

(b) Kushanas

(c) Tamils

(d) Sakas


Correct Answer: (c) Tamils

4. Sakas were finally overthrown by:

(a) Kanishka

(b) Chandragupta Vikramaditya

(c) Devapala

(d) Gautamiputra Satakarni


Correct Answer: (d) Gautamiputra Satakarni

5. With which of the following periods do we associate the ‘microlith’ implements?

(a) Paleolithic

(b) Mesolithic

(c) Neolithic

(d) Chalcolithic


Correct Answer: (b) Mesolithic

6. Which one of the following kings controlled the famous silk-route of Central Asia?

(a) Harsha

(b) Chandragupta-II

(c) Ashoka

(d) Kanishka


Correct Answer: (d) Kanishka

7. Which of the following statements regarding the Indus Valley Civilization is not true ?

(a) The excavations at Harappa are attributed to R.B. Daya Ram Sahni

(b) The Assembly Hall was discovered at Mohenjo-daro

(c) The open courtyard was the basic feature of house planning

(d) The Indus Valley people were not acquainted with the art of spinning and weaving


Correct Answer: (d) The Indus Valley people were not acquainted with the art of spinning and weaving

8. Saka era was founded by:

(a) Ashoka

(b) Harsha

(c) Kanishka

(d) Vikramaditya


Correct Answer: (c) Kanishka

9. The main cause of the tribal wars among the early Aryan settlers, the most famous of Which is mentioned in Rigveda as “Battle of Ten Kings”, was:

(a) Cattle and land disputes

(b) Foreign invasions

(c) Showing supremacy

(d) Intrigues of the leaders


Correct Answer: (a) Cattle and land disputes

10. Jainism was divided into two sects known as:

(a) Kapalika and Kalamukha

(b) Mahayana and Hinayana

(c) Ajivika and Nyaya Vaisesika

(d) Svetambara and Digambara


Correct Answer: (d) Svetambara and Digambara

11. The first major inscription in classical Sanskrit is that of:

(a) Chandragupta Vikramaditya

(b) Kanishka I

(c) Rudradaman

(d) Samudragupta


Correct Answer: (c) Rudradaman

12. The Fourth Buddhist Council was held by:

(a) Ashoka

(b) Kanishka

(c) Chandragupta

(d) Harashavardhana


Correct Answer: (b) Kanishka

13. With reference to Delhi Sultanate who of the following created the ‘Diwan i-Amir’ Koh (Department of agriculture)?

(a) Alauddin Khalji

(b) Firu Shah Tughluq

(c) Muhammad bin Tugluq

(d) Shamsu d-din lltutmish


Correct Answer: (c) Muhammad bin Tugluq

14. Which one of the following places was famous as a seat of Mahayana learning?

(a) Nalanda

(b) Taxila

(c) Varanasi

(d) Sarnath


Correct Answer: (a) Nalanda

15. India’s earliest contact with Islam came through:

(a) Arab invasion of Sind in 7th century

(b) Turkish invasions in 11th century

(c) Sufi saints

(d) Arab merchants on Malabar coast


Correct Answer: (d) Arab merchants on Malabar coast

16. Which of the following religions got spread in different parts of Asia?

(a) Buddhism

(b) Jainism

(c) Hinduism

(d) None of these


Correct Answer: (a) Buddhism

17. Porus was defeated by Alexander at the Battle of …….

(a) Buxar

(b) Heart

(c) Kabul

(d) Hydaspes


Correct Answer: (d) Hydaspes

18. Between which of the following was the ancient town of Takshasila located?

(a) Indus and Jehelum

(b) Jhelum and Chenab

(c) Chenab and Ravi

(d) Ravi and Beas


Correct Answer: (a) Indus and Jehelum

19. Chronologically arrange the accomplishments of Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq

1. Quarachil Expedition

2. Token currency

3. Transfer of capital

4. Revenue reforms

(a) 3, 2, 1, 4

(b) 1, 4, 3, 2

(c) 4, 2, 3, 1

(d) 3, 1, 4, 2


Correct Answer: (a) 3, 2, 1, 4

20. The name by which Ashoka is generally referred to in his inscriptions is:

(a) Priyadarsi

(b) Dharmadeva

(c) Chakravarti

(d) Dhamiakirti


Correct Answer: (a) Priyadarsi

Indian History MCQ Quiz -3

1. Consider the following statements:

1. Satavahana rulers persecuted the Buddhists.

2. Pushyamitra Sunga patronised the Buddhists.

3. Shashanka cut off the Bodhi tree at Bodha Gaya.

Which of these statements is/are correct?

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 and 3

(c) 1 and 3

(d) 3 only


Correct Answer: (d) 3 only

2. Who among the following was called as ‘Father of Indian Renaissance’?

(a) B. G. Tilak

(b) Gopal Krishna Gokhale

(c) Lala Lajpat Rai

(d) Raja Ram Mohan Roy


Correct Answer: (d) Raja Ram Mohan Roy

3. Which of the following statements is incorrect regarding pre-historic art ?

(a) Paleolithic and Mesolithic people practised painting.

(b) Pre-historic art appears at several places, but Bhimbetka

is the most striking site with 500 painted rock shelters.

(c) Many birds, animals and human beings are painted.

(d) The paintings depict the religious beliefs of the people.


Correct Answer: (d) The paintings depict the religious beliefs of the people.

4. The only ruler of India who ruled over territories in Central Asia beyond the Pamirs was:

(a) Kanishka

(b) Ashoka

(c) Samudragupta

(d) Harsha


Correct Answer: (a) Kanishka

5. With which period do we associate the ‘Megaliths’ ?

(a) Neolithic

(b) Chalcolithic

(c) Mesolithic

(d) Pleistocene


Correct Answer: (a) Neolithic

6. Which was the first newspaper to be published in India?

(a) Bombay Samachar

(b) Bengal Gazette

(c) Bengal Chronicle

(d) The Hindu


Correct Answer: (b) Bengal Gazette

7. Vikrama era started from:

(a) 57 B.C.

(b) 78 A.D.

(c) 57 A.D.

(d) 78 B.C.


Correct Answer: (a) 57 B.C.

8. Consider the following statements :

1. Lime mortar was never used at Mohenjo-daro in the construction of dwellings.

2. At Dholavira, stone was never used in the Construction of dwellings.

Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 only

(c) Both 1 and 2

(d) Neither 1 nor 2


Correct Answer: (a) 1 only

9. The King Kanishka held a great Buddhist Council under whose presidentship?

(a) Asvaghosha

(b) Sanghraksha

(c) Nagasena

(d) Vasumitra


Correct Answer: (d) Vasumitra

10. Under which one of the following system of assessment, the British Government collected revenue directly from the farmers?

(a) Zamindari

(b) Annawari

(c) Ryotwari

(d) Desaiwari


Correct Answer: (b) Annawari

11. Who of the following deciphered the Brahmi script?

(a) William Jones

(b) James Princep

(c) John Marshall

(d) EJH Mackay


Correct Answer: (b) James Princep

12. With reference to the Revolt of 1857, who of the following laid siege to Jhansi in March 1858?

(a) Major General Wyndham

(b) Major General Havelock

(c) Sir Colin Campbell

(d) Sir Hugh Rose


Correct Answer: (d) Sir Hugh Rose

13. From the scattered skeletal remains of the Harappans found at different sites, the most appropriate conclusion to be drawn would be that there was :

(a) Mass execution

(b) Casual burial of human bodies

(c) Some kind of military assault

(d) Great epidemic


Correct Answer: (d) Great epidemic

> 14. Which one of the following was not an Indus Valley Civilization site?

(a) Lothal

(b) Patliputra

(c) Rangpur

(d) Suktagendor


Correct Answer: (b) Patliputra

15. Which one of the following statements about Mohenjo-daro is correct ?

(a) The houses were made of cut and polished stone

(b) Axes, chisels, knives and fish-hook were all made of iron

(c) The floor of the Great was made of burnt brick

(d) Gold ornaments were unknown to the inhabitants


Correct Answer: (c) The floor of the Great was made of burnt brick

16. The achievements of Samudragupta are described in the:

(a) Hathigumpha inscription

(b) Allahabad pillar inscription

(c) Girnar inscription

(d) Sarnath inscription


Correct Answer: (b) Allahabad pillar inscription

17. Which of the following statements is false with regard to the social conditions in the Gupta period?

(a) Public and personal morality had reached a very low point

(b) The caste system was liberalised

(c) The living standard of the common people was simple but the town life was glamorous and sophisticated

(d) The system of devadasis was in vogue during this period


Correct Answer: (a) Public and personal morality had reached a very low point

18. The first writer to use Urdu as the medium of poetic expression was:

(a) Amir Khusrau

(b) Mirza Ghalib

(c) Bahadur Shah Zafar

(d) Faiz


Correct Answer: (a) Amir Khusrau

19. Who is known as the ‘Grand Old Man of India’?

(a) Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan

(b) C. Rajgopalachari

(c) Lala Lajpat Rai

(d) Dadabhai Naoroj


Correct Answer: (d) Dadabhai Naoroj

20. Upanishads, also known as the Vedantas, are in number.

(a) 96

(b) 105

(c) 108

(d) 112


Correct Answer: (c) 108

Indian History MCQ Quiz -2

1. The first battle of the American War of Independence took place in the year

(a) 1776, 4 July

(b) 1778, 14 August

(c) 1776, 28 July

(d) 1789, 14 July


Correct Answer: (a) 1776, 4 July

2. The main effect of the American War of Independence was

(a) establishment of a republic

(b) democracy

(c) socialism

(d) capitalism


Correct Answer: (a) establishment of a republic

3. The French society was divided into

(a) one group

(b) two groups

(c)Three groups

(d) four groups


Correct Answer: (c)Three groups

4. The French Queen, Marie Antonitte, was termed as

(a) empty headed

(b) hot headed

(c) high headed

(d) dumb headed


Correct Answer: (a) empty headed

5. The French King Louis XVI ruled according to

(a) socialistic ideas

(b) divine right theory

(c) orthodox method

(d) oligarchy rules


Correct Answer: (b) divine right theory

6. 18th century has been correctly called the

(a) age of rationalism

(b) age of reason

(c) age of positive thinking

(d) age of experimentation


Correct Answer: (b) age of reason

7. The French royal prison—the (Bastille) was attacked in

(a) 12 July, 1789

(b) 13 July, 1789

(c) 14 July, 1789

(d) 16 July, 1790


Correct Answer: (c) 14 July, 1789

8. Austria, Russia and Prussia formed an alliance called

(a) the revolutionary alliance

(b) triple alliance

(c) holy alliance

(d) triple entente


Correct Answer: (c) holy alliance

9. Louis XVI and Marie Antonitte were executed alongwith their children in

(a) l793

(b) 1794

(c) 1795

(d) 1799


Correct Answer: (a) l793

10. The most important effect of the French Revolution was the birth of the

(a) republic in France

(b) socialism

(c) democracy

(d) capitalism


Correct Answer: (a) republic in France

11. Napoleon introduced a new set of laws called

(a) Napoleonic code

(b) French laws

(c) Europeon laws

(d) Prussian laws


Correct Answer: (a) Napoleonic code

12. Bismarck was called the man who gave Germany the policy of

(a) blood & iron

(b) holy wars

(c) holy alliance

(d) triple alliance


Correct Answer: (a) blood & iron

13. Sardinia was the strongest state of

(a) Germany

(b) France

(c) Italy

(d) Holland


Correct Answer: (c) Italy

14. Italy was unified with the occupation of the city of Rome in

(a) 1868

(b) 1869

(c) 1870

(d) 1872


Correct Answer: (c) 1870

15. Karl Marx was the first man to introduce

(a) scientific socialism

(b) marxian socialism

(c) democracy

(d) capitalism


Correct Answer: (a) scientific socialism

16. The church was very corrupt and supported

(a) the monarchy

(b) socialism

(c) revolutionaries

(d) kingship


Correct Answer: (a) the monarchy

17. The great French socialist Babeuf was executed in the year

(a) 1797

(b) 1798

(c) 1799

(d) 1796


Correct Answer: (a) 1797

18. The communist manifesto appeared in the year

(a) 1849

(b) 1848

(c) 1850

(d) 1852


Correct Answer: (b) 1848

19. Prussia was the strongest state of Germany before the unification was dominated by the

(a) monarchs

(b) landlords (Junkers)

(c) lords

(d) industrialists


Correct Answer: (b) landlords (Junkers)

20. “An address to the working class” was drafted by

(a) Karl Peters

(b) Babeuf

(c) Karl Marx

(d) Stalin


Correct Answer: (c) Karl Marx

21. The first international introduced

(a) socialism

(b) communalism

(c) democracy

(d) dictatorship


Correct Answer: (a) socialism

22. The Paris Commune fought for

(a) workers rights

(b) landlords rights

(c) industrialists rights

(d) people rights


Correct Answer: (a) workers rights

23. The Paris Commune took place in the year

(a) 28 March, 1871

(b) 28 March, 1872

(c) 28 March, 1873

(d) 28 March, 1874


Correct Answer: (a) 28 March, 1871

24. The second international was the 100 years celebration of the

(a) American War of Independence

(b) French Revolution

(c) Italian Unification

(d) German Unification


Correct Answer: (b) French Revolution

25. The Second International declared 1st May as

(a) workers day

(b) liberation day

(c) socialist day

(d) capitalist day


Correct Answer: (a) workers day

Indian History MCQ Quiz -1

1. The Post-Gupta social structure in North India was marked by the —

(A) Growing importance of women

(B) Lessening of untouchability

(C) Proliferation of castes

(D) Revival of slavery


Correct Answer: (C) Proliferation of castes

2. The Jaunpuri or the Sharqi style of architecture developed during the reign of—

(A) Mubarak Shah Sharqi

(B) Shamsuddin Ibrahim Shah Sharqi

(C) Mahmud Shah Sharqi

(D) Hussain Shah Sharqi


Correct Answer: (B) Shamsuddin Ibrahim Shah Sharqi

3. Uposatha was practiced —

(A) By widows of the Brahmnical religion through periodic fasting

(B) By Buddhist monks in an assembly

(C) By the Kapalikas as symbolic renunciation of pleasure in external objects

(D) By the Tantrilcs as part of their worship of shakti


Correct Answer: (B) By Buddhist monks in an assembly

4. The Polygars were—

(A) House-traders from Afghanistan during the Mughal period

(B) A famous caste of Bankers of Marwars

(C) Chiefs subordinate to the nayakas in the Vijaynagar kingdoms

(D) Agents of the European companies for purchase of silk and Muslin in Bengal


Correct Answer: (C) Chiefs subordinate to the nayakas the Vijaynagar kingdoms

5. Among the four dynasties listed below which ones minted coins made of lead?

1. Mauryas

2. Satavahanas

3. Western Kshatrapas

4. Guptas

(A) 1, 2

(B) 1, 2, 4

(C) 2, 3, 4

(D) 3, 4


Correct Answer: (C) 2, 3, 4

6. The office of the Wakil-us saltanate was held during the first four years of Akbar’s reign by—

(A) Tardi Beg

(B) Bairam Khan

(C) Munim Khan

(D) Shamsuddin Atka


Correct Answer: (B) Bairam Khan

7. The theory of Sulh-i-Kul was propounded by—

(A) Nizamuddin Aulia

(B) Akbar

(C) Zainu Abidin

(D) Shaikh Nasiruddin chiragh


Correct Answer: (B) Akbar

8. The greatest painter of birds at Jahangir’s Court was—

(A) Khwaja Abdus Samad

(B) Syed Au Tabrizi

(C) Basawan

(D) Mansur


Correct Answer: (D) Mansur

9. According to the periplus sea voyages to India were taken in the month of Epiphi or —

(A) October

(B) July

(C) June

(D) December


Correct Answer: (D) December

10. Coconut cultivation in India was known from the period of the —

(A) Mauryas

(B) Satavahanas and Kshatrapas

(C) Guptas

(D) Pahallava and Western ranges


Correct Answer: (D) Pahallava and Western ranges

11. Which of the following terms mentioned in early sources denoted land measure?

1. Nivartana

2. Kulyavapa

3. Dronavapa

4. Rathya

Choose the correct answer from the codes given below —

(A) 1, 2

(B) 2, 3

(C) 1, 2, 3

(D) 3, 4


Correct Answer: (C) 1, 2, 3

12. Who among the following is credited with the authorship Maju-al-Bahrain?

(A) Akbar

(B) Dara Shikoh

(C) Jahangir

(D) Humayun


Correct Answer: (B) Dara Shikoh

13. Akbar’s buildings at Fatehpur Sikri are famous for—

(A) Synthesis of trabeate and accurate styles

(B) Construction of the first bulbous dome in India

(C) The use of marble on an extensive scale

(D) Frequent employment of pietra dura


Correct Answer: (A) Synthesis of trabeate and accurate styles

14. Which of the following were considered untouchable in early India?

1. Charamakara

2. Svarnakara

3. Paraiyar

4. Rathakara

Select the correct answer given below —

(A) 1, 2

(B) 1, 3

(C) 1, 4

(D) 3, 4


Correct Answer: (C) 1, 4

15. Ibrahim Khan Gardi was an important military officers of—

(A) Haider Ali

(B) Ahamadshah Durrani

(C) Peshwa Balaji Baji Rao

(D) Raja Suraj Mal


Correct Answer: (C) Peshwa Balaji Baji Rao

16. Which one of the following was known as Manigramam?

(A) The quarters for jewellers

(B) The principal seat of the worship of Yaska manibhadra

(C) An association of traders

(D) Villages granted tax free to brahmanas in the Chola kingdom


Correct Answer: (C) An association of traders

17. Which one of the following pairs are not correctly matched?

(A) Jaunpur: Atala Mosque

(B) Malwa: Jahaz Mahal

(C) Ajmer: Quwwat-ul-Islam

(D) A Gulburga: Jama Masjid


Correct Answer: (C) Ajmer: Quwwat-ul-Islam

18. Official stamping of weights and measures and their periodical inspection are prescribed by —

(A) Manu

(B) Narada

(C) Brihaspati

(D) Parasara


Correct Answer: (A) Manu

19. Which one of the following pairs of persons and events is correctly matched?

(A) Bukka I: Conquest of Madurai

(B) Rama Ray: Battle of Raichur

(C) Krishnadeva Ray: Battle of Rakkas Tangadi

(D) Tirumala Ray: Transfer of capital to Vallore


Correct Answer: (A) Bukka I: Conquest of Madurai

20. Which one of the following denoted a series of coins?

(A) Gajasataka

(B) Gadhiya

(C) Hiranaydama

(D) Katisama


Correct Answer: (B) Gadhiya

21. Which one of the following was a Portuguese coin that was in circulation in the western coastal areas of the Vijynagar kingdom?

(A) Dinar

(B) Guzado

(C) Florin

(D) Ducat


Correct Answer: (B) Guzado

22. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?

(A) Kshauma : Textile

(B) Pada : Coin denomination

(C) Adhaka : Architectural fragment

(D) Drona : Measure of rainfall


Correct Answer: (D) Drona : Measure of rainfall

23. Sir dia Sar na dia is associated with—

(A) Guru Teg Bahadur

(B) Guru Govind Singh

(C) Guru Harkishan

(D) Guru Arjundeva


Correct Answer: (A) Guru Teg Bahadur

24. Which of the following terms were used to refer to rural land holders in Eastern India during the Gupta period?

(1) Agraharin

(2) Kutumbin

(3) Mahaltara

(4) Bhogika

(A) 1, 2

(B) 3, 4

(C) 1, 4

(D) 2, 3


Correct Answer: (D) 2, 3

25. The valangai (right hand) and idangai (left hand) divison of South Indian Society is first noticed in the —

(A) Sangam period

(B) Pahallava period

(C) Chola period

(D) Nayka period


Correct Answer: (B) Pahallava period


Tourism Management MCQs

Tourism Management MCQs UNIT -1 1. Tourism sector creates more _________ opportunities 1. **Job 2. Fund raising 3. Profit makin...

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