Friday, April 5, 2024

Indian History MCQ Quiz -7

1. The Rajarajeshvar temple was constructed by —

(A) Parantaka Chola

(B) Mahendra Vermana Pahallava

(C) Rajaraja Chola

(D) Aditya Cholas


Correct Answer: (C) Rajaraja Chola

2. There was an administrative unit under the Cholas named Kurram. What did it signify?

(A) A village

(B A province

(C) A district

(D) A group of villages


Correct Answer: (D) A group of villages

3. University of Vikramsila enjoyed the petronage of —

(A) Palas

(B) Senas

(C) Pratiharas

(D) King Yasovarman of Kannauj


Correct Answer: (A) Palas

4. The finest specimen of Pahallavas architecture are —

(A). Temples at Madura

(B) Temples of Tanjore

(C) Kailashnath temple of Ellora

(D) Rock-cut Nath temples at Mahabalipuram


Correct Answer: (D) Rock-cut Nath temples at Mahabalipuram

5. A new addition to social customs during Rajput age was —

(A) Sati system

(B) Prostitution

(C) Child marriage

(D) Jauhar


Correct Answer: (D) Jauhar

6. Asvamedha Yajna from among Chalukya rulers was performed by —

(A) Pulkesin I

(B) Kirtivarman I

(C) Pulkesin II

(D) Vikramaditya I


Correct Answer: (A) Pulkesin I

7. The Palas of Bengal patronised —

(A) Hinduism

(B) Jainism

(C) Hinyana Buddhism

(D) Tantrika Buddhism


Correct Answer: (D) Tantrika Buddhism

8. Under whose patronage was the Kailash temple of Ellora constructed?

(A) The Chalukayas

(B) The Rashtrakutas

(C) The Pahallavas

(D) The Cholas


Correct Answer: (B) The Rashtrakutas

9. Intercaste marriages, during the Rajput age was possible among —

(A) Brahmanas and Kshatriyas

(B) Kshatriyas and Vaisyas

(C) Vaisyas and Sudras

(D) None of these


Correct Answer: (C) Vaisyas and Sudras

10. Who among the Pala rulers established the University of Vikramsila?

(A) Dharampala

(B) Devapala

(C) Narayan Pala

(D) Mahipala I


Correct Answer: (D) Mahipala I

11. Hazrat Mohammad was born at Mecca in Arabia in —

(A) 590 A.D.

(B) 570 A.D.

(C) 520 AD

(D) 500 A.D.


Correct Answer: (B) 570 A.D.

12. ‘Hijrat’ the Muslim era began in —

(A) 622 A.D.

(B) 612 A.D.

(C) 630 A.D.

(D) 600 A.D.


Correct Answer: (A) 622 A.D.

13. Which one was the Port of Cheras?

(A) Kaveripattanam

(B) Muzisir

(C) Korkai

(D) Tandai


Correct Answer: (B) Muzisir

14. In the age of Cholas Uraiyur was famous for —

(A) Cotton

(B) Ship building

(C) Pearls

(D) Spices


Correct Answer: (D) Spices

15. Match the following —

(a) Karle cave 1. Satavahanas

(b) Kailashnath temple at Ellora 2. Rashtrakutas

(c) Raja Raieshwar Temple 3. Raja Raja I

(d) Pillar Edicts 4. Mauryas


    (a)     (b)     (c)     (d)

(A) 1     4         3     2

(B) 1     2         3     4

(C) 4     3         1     2

(D) 3     1         4     2


Correct Answer: (B) 1 2 3 4

16. Match the following:

(a) Kumaramatayas        1. Guptas

(b) Mahamatayas           2. Mauryas

(c) Nimataras                 3. Cholas

(d) Sumant                     4. Marathas


        (a)     (b)     (c)     (d)

(A) 1         2        3      4

(B) 2         1         4     3

(C) 1         2        4     3

(D) 2        1        3     4


Correct Answer: (B) 2 1 4 3

17. The East India Company began to use the term ‘Investments in India’ for—

(A) Their bullion imports to purchase Indian goods

(B) The loot from Buxar for purchasing Indian goods

(C) The profits made from duty free inland trade and the surplus from Diwani revenue

(D) The borrowed money from Indian money lenders for purchases in India money


Correct Answer: (C) The profits made from duty free inland trade and the surplus from Diwani revenue

18. An Important character of the Chola empire was —

(A) Trade with S. E. Asia

(B) Local self-govemment

(C) Elected monarchs

(D) Conquerred the whole of cyclon


Correct Answer: (B) Local self-govemment

19. The Ellora caves were built by—

(A) Chalukyas

(B) Pratiharas

(C) Rashtrakutas

(D) Palas


Correct Answer: (C) Rashtrakutas

20. The First English Captain to disembark at Surat and who also visited the court of Emperor Jahangir at Agra was—

(A) Thomas Stephens

(B) Hawkins

(C) Ralph Fitch

(D) Jon Mildenhall


Correct Answer: (A) Thomas Stephens

21. The remittance problems from India was initially tackled by the East India Company government through the—

(A) Development of more exports of grains from India

(B) Exports of more cotton and silk goods to Europe

(C) Development of indigo and export of opium to China

(D) Development of jute and promotion of its export to Europe


Correct Answer: (A) Development of more exports of grains from India

22. Under Cholas village administration the land revenue was collected by —

(A) Ur

(B) Mahasabha

(C) Uparika

(D) A Special Dal


Correct Answer: (D) A Special Dal

23. The chief ideas of worship during the Rajput age were —

(A) Ram and Krishna

(B) Vishnu and Shiva

(C) Brahma and Sun

(D) Brahma and Ganesha


Correct Answer: (C) Brahma and Sun

24. The chief feature of the temples constructed by the Cholas was their—

(A) Gopurams or gateways

(B) Vimanas or Towers

(C) Assembly-halls for the devotees

(D) Massive pillars


Correct Answer: (B) Vimanas or Towers

25. What is the correct chronological order of the following British Officials in India?

1. Sir John Shore

2. Marquis Cornwallis

3 Earl of Minto

4. Marquess of Wellesley

Select the correct answer using the codes given below—


(A) 2,1,4,3

(B) 1,2,3,4

(C) 1,2,4,3

(D) 2,1,3,4


Correct Answer: (A) 2,1,4,3

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